Bare metal

Full access to machine resources without the overhead of virtualization.

See FAQ for differences between Bare Metal and Virtual Machines

Reserving bare metal hosts

Bare metal reservations are processed through our sales team and include sales engineering support to ensure a successful setup.

The tenant will need to provide requirements for:

  • primary SSH public key for remote access

  • O/S image version or private image

  • setup of local NVMe as block devices or as file systems (ZFS, RAID level)

Denvr can optionally pre-setup:

  • local NVMe block devices as a RAID filesystem

  • GPU and InfiniBand drivers (NVIDIA driver, CUDA toolkit, NvLink fabric manager, Mellanox OFED, NCCL)

  • password-less SSH access between hosts using tenant private network VPC

  • NFS access to network storage platforms (1PB+ capacity)

Denvr provides CPU-only virtual machine instances for head-node/cluster management software. These will be located in separate chassis and power zones.

Accessing bare metal hosts

All hosts are access through their Public IP and SSH key, as well as private VPC networking.

Inter-node access uses private networking over 100G ethernet. SSH keys should be configured for password-less authentication for automation purposes.

Completing bare metal reservations

All host disks will be securely wiped after a reservation period ends. This includes both system disks as well as local NVMe data disks.

Please be responsible to backup all data on bare metal hosts to storage platforms, or offsite.

Host data will be unrecoverable after your reservation completes.

Last updated